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The Must-Have Menopause Survival Guide

6 min read

Pause Well Aging Menopause Skincare Survival Guide

Rochelle Weitzner | September 10, 2019

Remember when you first started menstruating? Perhaps you were horrified by the monthly bloodletting or annoyed by inconsistent timing, cramps, acne, and other side effects. Eventually, however, your period became a normal part of life and you accepted the powerful gift that comes with being a woman and bringing new life into the world.

As a result, the thought of menopause may now frighten you just as the start of menstruation once did. You might wonder how you’ll feel about being a woman once this major part of your identity is gone. Or maybe you’ll find yourself frantically searching for hot flash remedies. You may wonder if sex is something you’ll just have to remember fondly.

Okay, it’s time to stop staring into the abyss and realize that this is just another in a long line of life changes that might alter your course, but that doesn't define you. Menopause may be the end of something, but it’s also the beginning of something new, and you don’t have to stand still and let it happen to you.

By taking charge, you can move through this transformation and come out feeling strong, vibrant, and beautiful. Whether you’re just starting this journey, or you’ve been on the path for a while and you could use a little pick-me-up, here is the menopause survival guide that will keep you moving forward. 

​​Stay Active

Some theories posit that exercise is the best way to soothe a hot flash, but there’s no real proof one way or the other. What is known is that there are a lot of otherbenefits to staying activeduring menopause. For one thing, exercise can help you maintain a healthy metabolism, and this is good news since many women going through menopause start to noticeextra weightaround the midsection that simply won’t budge.

Your body is bound to change during menopause, but an active lifestyle can help you to maintain your shape, your weight, and your confidence as you move through this transformation. You may have to tweak your exercise routine to account for physical and hormonal changes, but you’re still going to enjoy the health benefits and mood-boosting power of physical activity, even if you still find yourself wondering, “How do I get rid of a hot flash?” 

And for those hot flashes, our Cooling Mist has you covered. This incredibly unique formula provides instant relief from the discomfort of hot flashes by creating the sensation of lowering your body’s surface temperature, cooling and calming skin, reducing redness and evaporating sweat. It’s wonderful to use on those days when you’re just hot – post workout, racing to a meeting in the hot summer, preparing to give a presentation, or any other time you need a quick cool down.

Focus on Nutrition

Any time your body changes, you may have to reassess your diet to make sure you’re getting needed nutrients for optimal health and well-being. In particular, women going through menopause will need to consider upping their intake of calcium and vitamin D.

Changing hormones are a natural cause of weakening bones, and if you don’t take steps to maintain bone health, your risks for osteoarthritis will increase. Calcium and vitamin D can both help to combat these risks and prevent bone loss as you age.

Dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese are an excellent source of calcium, but if you have a sensitivity to lactose, supplements are also an option. As for vitamin D, you’ll find it in dark, leafy greens like spinach and kale, as well as beans, tofu, and sardines.

Not into dark greens? Try green monster smoothies to get 1-2 servings masked by your favorite fruit flavors like strawberry and banana. As a bonus, you’ll also sneak in servings of fruits, which are recommended as part of a healthy menopause diet to help keep you full without tons of calories, while also satisfying a sweet tooth. Plus, fruits and veggies deliver plenty of needed vitamins and nutrients. 


Track Triggers

In the beginning, your most pressing concerns may revolve around questions like “Where do hot flashes come from?” and “How long do hot flashes last?” These are valid questions, and over time you’re likely to discover that hot flashes, night sweats, and other side effects of menopause are often brought on bytriggers. These could include:

  • Hot environments
  • Hot beverages
  • Spicy foods
  • Specific foodslike caffeine, alcohol, sugar, chocolate, dairy products, and meat products
  • Stress

Hot flashes aren’t always caused by triggers, but if you want to avoid them as much as possible, try keeping a journal for a while to create a record of what precedes hot flashes. You may find that certain situations or stimuli are frequent contributors, and this can help you to cut back on discomfort. You should also be prepared with a fan in your handbag, our Cooling Mist, a change of clothes handy, and some easy breathing exercises to help you cool down quickly. 

Get Your ZZZs

If menopause has started, you may be all too familiar with insomnia, which is common with a significant decrease in estrogen. Studies reveal that 16-42% of premenopausal women suffer from sleep disturbances, while 39-47% of perimenopausal women experience this side effect. Hormone replacement therapy can help, but you may still find yourself struggling to fall asleep at night. What can you do?

Adding regular exercise can help to tire you out, and you’ll probably want to cut stimulants like caffeine and sugar as much as possible. You can also set up a comfortable and soothing sleep environment with plush bedding and remove light sources (electronics) that might keep you alert. A regular bedtime routine can also help, so try going to bed at the same time each night, avoiding food and electronics a couple of hours beforehand, and taking a hot bath or sipping some herbal tea to wind down. 


Consider Hormone Therapy

This isn’t right for every woman, but there may be benefits to hormone replacement therapy. It’s best to talk to a trusted doctor about potential treatment options, especially if you’re plagued by side effects that are disrupting your life. This way you can make an informed decision about the best course of action. 


Don’t Give Up on Sex

Okay, you’re getting older, but you’re not dead yet! In fact, you’re far from it, and if you open yourself to the possibility that sex could actually get a lot better with age and experience, you may find yourself experiencing a form of sexual liberation when monthly menstruation is out of the picture. Plus, sexual activity helps to stimulate blood flow to the vagina, keeping it healthy.

Embracing the next phase of life starts with appreciating what you’ve gained, rather than focusing on what you perceive as a loss. When you up the intimacy factor, you’re sure to enjoy menopause a lot more.

You may need to experiment with additives like water-based lubricant that you didn’t need before, but again, the joy you get from this life change is all in the attitude. If you’re open to experimenting with new types of touch and assistive products, you could end up taking your most intimate relationships to new heights. 


Make Yourself a Priority

Going through menopause doesn’t have to be hard, but it can be if you don’t take care of yourself. Take a moment to realize how monumental this change is from a physical, mental, and emotional standpoint and give yourself permission to take it one day at a time and put your needs first. Don’t be afraid to say no if you need time for yourself, or to say yes to new opportunities and experiences. Make new friends, try new things, and move forward instead of looking back! Give in to pampering that makes you feel beautiful, healthy, and strong, from massages and personal trainers, to our targetedskincare line designed for women at this stage in life. The patented Pause Fascia Stimulating Tool is uniquely designed by a Doctor of Physical Therapy to massage deep into your tissue with very little pressure to promote blood flow, improve tissue quality, and improve skin elasticity while potentially re-awakening the cells that produce collagen. Because the cells that produce collagen go to sleep and stop producing collagen as we age and as estrogen fluctuates and diminishes, we are seeking to wake them up through massage to return the skin to a plumper, healthier, and more vibrant state. Check out the science video in the image carouselhere to learn more about the science behind fibroblasts – the cells that produce collagen. The Tool, paired with our Moisturizer, can restore tone and texture, combat dryness, and diminish signs of wrinkles and fine lines that, though well-earned, can make us feel less confident. Indulge! Remember there are resources to help. When you sign up for the Pause newsletter, you’ll become part of a community of women like you.